a group of men sitting together

Managing Tennessee Business Leadership Council


As Tennessee welcomed large corporations and economic development opportunities into the state, business leaders recognized the need to establish an organization that would provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer interaction and meaningful dialogue with key decision-makers, including the governor and other state governmental leaders.

Our Approach

In 2017, SRG was enlisted to support the development of the Tennessee Business Leadership Council (TBLC). SRG began coordinating TBLC’s 501(c) 6 application, ratifying bylaws, establishing a board of directors and membership base, along with other logistical details. The first board meeting for TBLC was held in September 2017, followed by the first membership meeting in February 2018. In addition to the organizational structure and management duties, SRG also oversaw the design and development of the organization’s website – TNBLC.org.  


Since TBLC’s inception, the membership has grown to more than 65 members in C-Suite positions across the state, representing diverse business interests. SRG has coordinated bi-annual membership meetings each spring and fall, developing robust agendas with thoughtful keynote speakers touching on topics such as education, workforce development, transportation modernization, and health care. The meetings also provide legislative and political updates from government leaders, including governors from multiple administrations, House and Senate leadership, and timely polling data – all managed and coordinated by SRG. 

TBLC also partners with leading researchers and institutions to study some of the most complex and important issues confronting our state. SRG has coordinated the policy priority and research efforts, working with institutions such as the University of Tennessee and the University of Memphis on timely policy research to develop recommendations for business leaders and policymakers as they work to address the challenges facing our state. 

SRG provides ongoing management of board operations, member engagement, and leading strategic communications for TBLC. 

Next Success Story
Launching “You Might Be Right”